Monday, 21 February 2011

Training Night - 24 Feb 11 - Sports Night

RE: 24 Feb 11 Training Night (SPORTS NIGHT)

Dress: Cadets: proper sports attire
Officers: Civilian/Sports attire

Instructors: See attached list for Silver Star Instruction (if done early Silver Stars will participate with Sports Night).

RSM: Plan appropriately.

NOTE: Camp Application Process has begun. If you have not made your intentions clear, you must contact CI Anstey no later than 23 Feb 11 for consideration.

Congrats to all those cadets who participated in the NSCE weekend for all their hard work and dedication. A big thank you also goes out to our NSCE Officer, CI Porter for a job well done.

I look forward to full attendance for another fun sports night!

// signed //
Brent Cross
2nd Lieutenant | 2nd Lieutenant
DCO/Training Officer | DCO/Training Officier
2990 Lorne Scots | 2990 Lorne Scots
PO BOX 51009 75 Nippissing Rd, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2P2 | PO BOX 51009 75
Rue Nippissing, Milton, Ontario, L9T 2P2