Sunday, 12 June 2011

End of 2010 - 2011 Training Year

Another successful Training Year has come to an end with thanks going to the cadets, parents, staff, and volunteers. Awards and certificates were handed out at the annual Ceremonial Review on June 4th, 2011 followed by an enjoyable year-end party on June 11th.

A note of appreciation to our Reviewing Officer, Inspector R. Whattam RCMP, and representatives from the Milton Royal Canadian Legion, the Army Cadet League, the Lorne Scots Regiment, the Town of Milton, and Halton Regional Police Service for making the Annual Review the success it was. Special thanks go out as well to the management and staff at the Mississauga West Classic Bowl and Mandarin Restaurant for hosting our year-end function.

The 2990 Staff and Parent Support Committee wishes the cadets a safe and happy summer and success at their summer training camps, expeditions and exchange trips. We look forward to hearing your stories in the fall.

See you in September 2011 !!

Best Regards

Steve Semenchuk - 2990 Admin & Training Support