Saturday, 10 September 2011

2011 / 2012 Training Year Has Started !!

Welcome to our returning Cadets and a warm welcome to our new recruits.
An exciting training year has started with many events and trips scheduled or being planned. Our first weekend exercise will be held at CFB Borden Sep 30-Oct 2 in conjunction with the Lorne Scots Corps from Brampton and Georgetown. It should be fun and interesting weekend with not only the opportunity to learn and relearn skills but the opportunity to make new friends.
Mark your calendars and make plans to join us in Borden.
Training & Admin News - New Recruits are reminded to return all application paperwork as soon as possible. All Cadets are reminded that personal info and health forms must be updated.
Cadets who grew over the summer or otherwise need to exchange items of uniform should advise their Platoon Commander at the start of training so you can be scheduled into stores. New recruits are encouraged to wear dark pants (no jeans) and shoes along with a white shirt until they receive their uniform.
Don't forget to check the training site on our web page for current and upcoming events.
All the best for the new season !