Friday, 30 September 2011

2990 Training and Community Activities

The 2990 Training Year is off with a busy, interesting, and fun schedule. In addition to our Fall weekend exercise September 30 to October 2nd with the Georgetown and Brampton Cadet Corps, the following activities are either scheduled or being planned.

  • October 21 to 23 will be our first Tag Day weekend fundraiser for the 2011/2012 training year. Funds raised through tagging help support the many activities carried out by the Corps.

  • On October 22nd select Corps members will be taking part in an Orienteering Competition. All the best to our competitors!

  • On October 30th the 2990 will be taking part in the Haltonville Remembrance Day activities AND assisting the Milton Legion with Poppy Sales.

  • The Corps will be taking part in the Town of Milton Remembrance Day ceremony at Victoria Park on November 6th.

  • On November 11 Corps members will be part of the Honour Guard at the Milton Evergreen Cemetery. Cadets will also be assisting at the Legion Remembrance Day luncheon.

  • As in past years the Corps will be taking part in the annual November Milton Santa Claus parade.

  • December 19 will find the Cadets being hosted by Staff and Volunteers at our annual Christmas dinner.

  • Planning for the 2012 portion of the training calendar includes a winter snowshoeing exercise in late January as well as a Spring exercise to be held in early May. Additional activities are being considered.

There is still time to Join the 2990! Come out and see what we are all about!

For more information send a request to